Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the fit bunny is back

well, after spending a week in Cuba.. i am now back, and ready to start my training once again. For all you wondering, yes i still trained, on the beach every morning at 7:30am. Here is a beautiful picture of the beach we worked out on

would you like to know what the WODS were??
Friday February 24
beach run
7 sets:
20 second sprint
10 second walk
10 burpees

Saturday February 25
beach run
invisible Fran 21-15-9  (squats / press ups)  Time: 1:30
10 sets of incline sprints

Sunday February 26th
Beach Run
volleyball workout AMRAP 10 minutes
Block, 10 pushups, block, side bloc, 5 burpees repeats

Monday February 27th BIRTHDAY WOD
beach run
3 rounds for time:
26 burpees
200m sprint
26 air squats
200m sprint
26 jacks
Time: 9:52

Tuesday February 28th
beach run
50 squats
40 press ups
30 lunges
20 plank press ups
10 x 10 second sprints
Time: 6:03

Wednesday February 29th
beach run
10 lunges
10 press ups
10 lunges
10 air squats for the length of beach
Total: 200 lunges, 100/100 for press ups and squats

Thursday March 1st (last day on the beach)
2 beach runs
11 air squats
16 lunges
19 press ups
26 knees to elbow
27 burpees
- if you are wondering the numbers..... can't tell you!

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