Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 9 Food Log

Ok so i am getting alot of comments, about my training and food intake. I eat paleo and have decided to blog what i am eating along side training. so here it goes! Hope it doesn't bore you too much!

Pre Breakfast: 6:30am (trained client early)
1 tbsp of almond butter

Breakfast: 8:30am
1 boiled egg
chicken breast
1 cup of broccoli
covered in hot sauce and ketchup
almond milk coffee

Trained: 9:45 - 11:00
whey protein shake with water

Lunch 11:30
chicken breast
2 cups of cabbage
1 cup brussel sprouts
1 carrot
6 almonds
covered in franks hot sauce and ketchup

Snack: 2:00pm
1 tbsp almond butter
tea with almond milk
1 carrot
1/2 piece of salmon

first dinner: 5:00pm
5 oz lean ground turkey mince
1 cup cabbage
1 cup brussel sprouts
1 carrot
covered in hot sauce and ketchup

second dinner 8:00pm
1/2 chicken breast
1 cup cabbage
1 cup cauliflower
green tea

Day 9 Workout Log

Double Unders for technique
Warm up:
50 air squats
40 sit ups
30 lunges
20 press ups
10 pull ups

10 x 2 Box back Squats @ 80% 1RM  100lbs

rest 10 minutes

8 x 1 Deadlifts @ 90% 1 RM 135lbs

Ab Routine Workout
Hot Yoga Class evening

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

day 7 wod

final day of week 1 training!
15-12-9 thrusters @ 65lbs
30-20-10 box jumps @ 20 inches
Time: 8:44

2 hours of yoga stretching

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 6 WOD

Tabata Row 20 : 10 x 8

Bench Press 8 x 3 on the minute
at 55lbs

2 hour yoga class

Day 5 WOD

2 x 800 meter sprint on 3 minutes
12.0km on treadmill pace

3 hours later:
max number no time limit 3 rounds
Press ups       31 / 26 / 25
Pull Ups          7 / 11 / 12
Air Squats       110 / 120 / 150

Total score: 492

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 4 WOD

5km Time Trial
Time: 21:57

Day 3 WOD

1500 meter row
Time: 5:07

30 Power Cleans at 60 lbs

Day 2 WOD

8 x 200m on 2:00 minutes
time 31-34 seconds for sprint

3 hours later:
push press at 55lbs
kipping pull ups

Time: 7:09

DAY 1 WOD (workout of the Day)

Day 1 workout:
2 x 8 Good Mornings
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders / sit ups
Time: 6:05