Saturday, March 31, 2012

34 days to marathon: training log


20 minutes on the arc trainer
ab ripper x

Yoga class at the toronto convention centre this evening

Friday, March 30, 2012

37 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and banana
protein shake

snack 10:00am
boiled egg, carrots coffee

Lunch 1:00pm
salmon, broccoli, brussel sprouts
1 tbsp almond butter with blackberries

Dinner 6:30pm

Dinner 8:30pm
egg, salmon, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries
green tea

37 days to marathon: training log

weights day

3 x 3 shoulder press @ 75lbs

3 x 3 push press @ 95lbs

38 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and banana
protein shake

Snack: 8:30am
peanut butter on toast

Lunch after 21 km RUN! 12:30pm
1/2 sweet potato, broccoli and turkey mince

Dinner 5:00pm
veal, broccoli and brussel sprouts

Second Dinner 9:30pm
protein shake
boiled egg, salmon, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter

Thursday, March 29, 2012

38 days to marathon: training log

21 km
ran 10 minutes, walked 1 minute
Total time 2:07

held back, felt good, mentally prepared to run the full now.

Pilates Class 1 hour
Spin Class 1 hour

39 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:30am
porrideg with phytoberry and banana
protein shake

Snack 8:30am
1 tbsp almond butter

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, broccoli, 1/2 sweet potato
1 tbsp almond butter

Snack 2:00pm
carrots and almon milk coffee

Dinner 5:00pm
haddock, boc choi, broccoli, boiled egg

Second Dinner 8:30pm
boiled egg, chicken, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter
protein shake
green tea

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

39 days to marathon: training log

3 x 3 chest press @ 85 lbs
resting 3 minutes in between

7 rounds for time:
7 hand stand push ups (used band)
12 reps of deadlifts @ 105pds

Time: 11:52

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

40 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:30am
porridge with banana
protein shake

Snack 10:30 am
carrots and coffee

Lunch 12:30pm
chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, broccoli & brussel sprouts
coffee 1 tbsp almond butter

Snack 3:00pm

Dinner 5:00pm
haddock, boc choi, broccoli, asparagus
boiled egg

Snack 8:30
protein shake
green tea

40 days to marathon: training part 2

1 mile Time Trial:

followed by 3 x 400 m runs at 1 mile Time Trial pace
resting 90 seconds in between

I am spent!

40 days to marathon: training log PART 1

PART 1 training:

6 x 800 m sprints
resting 3 minutes in between
held 3:00 per set

pilates 1 hour class

41 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and banana
protein shake

Lunch 11:00am
turkey mince, boc choi, broccoli, asparagus
1 tbsp almond butter

Dinner 5:00pm
haddock, boc choi, asparagus, broccoli & boiled egg

Snack 7:30pm
protein shake
lara bar
green tea at 9:00pm

Monday, March 26, 2012

41 days to marathon: training log

3 x 3 clean @ 95 lbs
resting 2 minutes in between

16 Min.. on the top of every minute
6 Kettle ball swings @ 15kg
4 clean and jerk @ 65lbs

42 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with banana
protein shake

Snack 10:00am
green tea
chicken, carrots and cucumber

Lunch 1:30pm
chicken, boc choi, asparagus, broccoli
green tea

Dinner 5:00pm
salmon, boc choi, asparagus, courgette, broccoli

Snack 8:00pm
protein shake
egg, 1 tbsp almond butter with grapes
green tea

Sunday, March 25, 2012

42 days to marathon: training log

10 x 100 m sprints
resting 1 minute in between each set

6 hours yoga teacher training course

43 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with banana
protein shake
green tea

Lunch 11:00pm
chicken, broccoli, asparagus
turkey mince

Snack 4:00pm
egg, carrots, chicken
2 figs

Dinner: 8:30pm
salmon, broccoli, asparagus

snack 10:00pm
protein shake
green tea

Saturday, March 24, 2012

43 days to marathon: training log

Day off!!

yoga 3 hours

44 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with banana

Lunch 11:00am
turkey mince, broccoli, spinach
1 tbsp almond butter

Snack 2:30pm
salmon, cucumber

dinner 7:30pm
thai chicken curry
fruit with almond butter
green tea

Friday, March 23, 2012

44 days to marathon: training log

3 x 3 (3RM) deadlifts @145
resting 4 minutes in between sets

5 x 10 Sumo deadlift high pull @ 65lbs
resting 3 minutes in between sets

1 mile jog
30:20 tabata style sprints x 8
1 mile jog

Yoga stretch out

45 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:30am
porridge with fruit
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:30pm
chicken, cabbage, broccoli
grapes with 1 tbsp almond butter

snack 2:00pm
salmon, broccoli

Dinner 5:00pm
salmon, broccoli, 1/2 sweet potato, asparagus

Snack 9:00pm
protein shake
green tea

Thursday, March 22, 2012

45 days to marathon: training log

3 x 3 split jerk @ 75lbs

5 rounds for time:
40 wall balls
30 pull ups

Time: 20:03

tired little legs!!

Pilates class 1 hour
Spin class 1 hour

46 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Snack 9:00am
salmon, cabbage

Lunch 12:30pm
turkey mince, cabbage and broccoli
grapes with 1 tbsp almond butter

Dinner 5:00pm
chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, egg, courgette

Snack 8:00pm
lara bar
protein shake
green tea

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

46 days to marathon: training log

3 x 5 km trail runs
resting 10 minutes in between

1: 22 minutes
2: 23 minutes
3: 23 minutes

and a face/ mouth full of bugs... at least i got my constant supply of protein!

47 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Snack 10:00am
carrots, salmon, coffee
protein shake

Lunch 2:00pm
salmon, egg, turkey salad

turkey mince, cabbage courgette

Dinner 8:30pm
turkey mince, boiled egg, salmon
grapes with 1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

47 days to marathon: training log

5 rounds
1 min on 3 minutes rest on track
(hit between 375-380m each time)

3 x 5 back squats @ 95lbs
rest 3 minutes in between each round

power cleans @ 75lbs
Time: 7:42

48 days till marathon: food log

Breakfast: 7:30am
porridge with fruit
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch: 11:30am
turkey mince, broccoli and mushrooms
almond butter 1 tbsp with grapes

Snack 2:00pm
turkey mince & cabbage
green tea

Dinner 6:00pm
boiled egg, 1/2 sweet potato, salmon & carrots

Snack 10:00pm
fruit bowl with almond milk and 1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

Monday, March 19, 2012

48 days till marathon: training log

Day 48:

3 x 5 chest press @ 75lbs resting 2 min in between

15 min AMRAP
10 clapping push ups
20 GHD situps
30 kettle ball swing 35lbs

completed 5 rounds

49 days till marathon: workout log

Day off from training!

1 hour hot yoga class in the evening for active recovery.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

50 days to marathon workout log...

30 seconds thrusters @ 65 lbs
rest 30 seconds
1 minute double unders
rest 1 minute

repeat for 7 rounds

Yoga class 1:30-6:30

food log march 16

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shale

Snack 9:30am
coffee chicken, cabbage and boiled egg

Lunch 1:00pm
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli

Snack 3:00pm

Dinner 8:00pm
thai chicken curry with rice
glass of wine
green tea

Friday, March 16, 2012

workout log 50 days to go to marathon

deadlift @115pds
muscle ups assisted
handstand pushups assisted with band

Time: 9:31

tabata run 20 seconds on 10 rest for 8 rounds

thursday food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, cabbage, broccoli & salmon

Snack 1:30pm
kidney beans, broccoli and salmon

Dinner 5:00pm
chicken, turkey and cabbage, broccoli

Snack 10:00pm
fresh fruit with almon milk, coconut and 1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday training log for marathon

5 rounds for time:
10 hand power snatch @ 65lbs
30 box jumps @ 20inches

Time: 11:40

Yoga 1 hour stretch

Pilates Class 1 hour

Spin Class

food log march 14

breakfast 8:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Lunch 11:30am
chicken, cabbage, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter

Dinner 3:30pm
chicken, cauliflower, cabbage
pumpkin seeds

Dinner 8:30pm
boiled egg, salmon, cabbage
1/2 banana with almond butter
green tea

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, workout log for marathon

10 km time trial outside
Time: 42:08

yoga stretching

food log for march 13

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Snack 10:00pm
coffee and carrots

Lunch 11:30pm
turkey mince, cabbage and courgette
coffee.. from starbucks, sick of losing roll ups from tims!

second lunch 2:30pm
turkey mince and cabbage

Dinner 5:30pm
chicken, cabbage and green beans

Evening meal 8:30pm
salmon, boiled egg, broccoli
half banana with almond butter
2 cups of green tea

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Workout log 13/03/12

5 rounds for time
100 double unders
25 burpees

3 minutes rest in between each round

Time: 25:20
Personal best... beat it by 5:10!!!

1 hour Pilates class

1 hour yoga class

food log for monday March 12

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Snack 9:30am
tim hortons coffee, once again a loser

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, caggage, broccoli, boiled egg
bit of turkey mince

Dinner 3:30pm
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli

Dinner 9:30pm
salmon, cabbage, 1/2 banana with almond butter
green tea

Monday, March 12, 2012

workout week 5!

10 x 200 m sprint
rest 3 x sprint time
held between 25-28 seconds

3 x 5 back squats rest 3 minutes @ 85lbs

65lb front squats
chest to bar (band)

Time: 6:50

1 hour hot yoga class

food log Sunday

Breakfast 8:00am
porridge with fruit
protein shake

Lunch 12:00am
turkey mince, cabbage, brussel sprouts

Snack 2:30am
turkey mince, cabbage

Snack 4:30pm
chicken, turkey mince, cabbage

Dinner 8:30pm
chicken spinach salad
fruit with almond milk and almond butter
green tea

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday training for my Marathon!

warm-up 1/2 mile jog

Re-do of week 4 Kelly WOD!!

beat my time by 2:00 this time round!

3 rounds
400 meter sprint
21 kettle ball swings at 1/2 pood
12 kipping pull ups (black band)

Time: 9:28

yoga course 1:30-6:30pm

friday food log

Breakfast 8:00am
porridge with fresh fruit

Snack 10:00am
tim hortons coffee... NO winner today

Lunch 12:00pm
chicken, turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli and asparagus

Snack 2:00pm
ribs and 1 tbsp almond butter

Dinner 8:00pm
boiled egg, cabbage, chicken, tomatoe, asparagus / cucumber salad mix
1 tbsp almond butter with fruit amdn almond milk

Friday, March 9, 2012

thursday food log

Breakfast 7:00am
porrridge with fresh fruit
protein shake

Snack 10:30am
carrots and coffee... roll up the rim and i won!!

Lunch 12:00pm
chicken, cabbage, brussel sprouts

Dinner 5:00pm
turkey mince, cabbage, 1/2 sweet potatoe brussel sprouts

Dinner 9:30pm
chicken, salmon, broccoli
mojito tea

Thursday, March 8, 2012

wednesday food log

Breakfast 7:30am
porridge with 1/2 banana, strawberries and cranberries
protein shake
x 2 coffees

Lunch 12:00pm
chicken, cabbage, broccoli

Snack 3:00pm
carrots and pumpkin seeds

Dinner 6:00pm
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli, 1/2 sweet potatoe

Dinner 9:45pm
boiled egg, cabbage, turkey mince
1/2 banana with almond butter
green tea

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday Food Log

Breakfast 9:30am
porridge with banana and strawberries / raisins
tim hortons coffee.. no winner

Lunch 2:00pm
turkey mince, broccoli, boiled egg

Dinner 4:30pm
beef stew

Dinner 8:00pm
chicken, cabbage, asparagus
1/2 banana with almond butter
green tea

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the fit bunny is back

well, after spending a week in Cuba.. i am now back, and ready to start my training once again. For all you wondering, yes i still trained, on the beach every morning at 7:30am. Here is a beautiful picture of the beach we worked out on

would you like to know what the WODS were??
Friday February 24
beach run
7 sets:
20 second sprint
10 second walk
10 burpees

Saturday February 25
beach run
invisible Fran 21-15-9  (squats / press ups)  Time: 1:30
10 sets of incline sprints

Sunday February 26th
Beach Run
volleyball workout AMRAP 10 minutes
Block, 10 pushups, block, side bloc, 5 burpees repeats

Monday February 27th BIRTHDAY WOD
beach run
3 rounds for time:
26 burpees
200m sprint
26 air squats
200m sprint
26 jacks
Time: 9:52

Tuesday February 28th
beach run
50 squats
40 press ups
30 lunges
20 plank press ups
10 x 10 second sprints
Time: 6:03

Wednesday February 29th
beach run
10 lunges
10 press ups
10 lunges
10 air squats for the length of beach
Total: 200 lunges, 100/100 for press ups and squats

Thursday March 1st (last day on the beach)
2 beach runs
11 air squats
16 lunges
19 press ups
26 knees to elbow
27 burpees
- if you are wondering the numbers..... can't tell you!