Sunday, April 29, 2012

6 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, banana and strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 12:00pm
veal, boc choi, carrots, cauliflower, boiled egg

Snack 2:00pm
protein shake

Dinner 4:30pm
chicken, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower

Dinner 9:00pm
salmon, boiled egg, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter with fruit

6 days to marathon: Training Log

1 hour hot yoga class

3 hours of Fitness Model Posing workshop..... yes it is hard work!

7 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge, 1/2 banana, strawberries, phytoberry
protein shake

1 tbsp almond butter, strawberries

Lunch 11:30am
chicken, cabbage, veggies
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries

Snack 2:00pm

Dinner 4:30pm
salmon, boiled egg, carrots, dates

Dinner 7:00pm
salmon, boiled egg, veggies

7 days to marathon: training log

day off

1.5 hour yoga

Saturday, April 28, 2012

8 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana, strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:30am
chicken, boiled egg, boc choi, veggies

Snack 3:00pm
lara bar and protein shake

Dinner 8:00pm
shrimp, scallop, asparagus veg

Dinner 10:00pm
boiled egg, chicken, cabbage, fruit with 1 tbsp almond butter
sleepy time tea

8 days to marathon: Training Log

6 rounds 800 meter row
resting 90 seconds in between each round

3 x 10 toes to rings

Thursday, April 26, 2012

9 days to marathon: Training Log part 3 & 4

Yoga stretching

1 hour spin and core class

9 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and half banana, strawberries
protein shake

Snack 9:00am
porridge, coffee

Lunch 11:30am
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli and asparagus

Dinner 3:30pm
chicken, cabbage, broccoli and carrots
1 tbsp almond butter with fruit

Snack 6:00pm
protein shake

Dinner 9:00pm
chicken, salmon, boiled egg, cabbage and asparagus
1 tbsp almond butter with half banana, strawberries, dates
sleepy time tea

9 days to marathon: training log part 1 & 2

1 hour mat pilates class
20 min cross trainer

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

10 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana, strawberries
protein shake

Snack 9:00am
carrots, chicken coffee

Lunch 11:00am
salmon, egg, veggie salad

Snack 2:00pm
lara bar, coffee and carrots

Dinner 5-7 snacking through clients
chicken, cabbage, broccoli and asparagus
protein shake

Second Dinner 9:30pm
salmon, egg, cabbage, asparagus
1 tbsp almond butter with fresh fruit
sleepy time tea

10 days to marathon: training log 1 and 2

12 rounds, 45 second rest in between
1 clean and jerk

3 rounds for time:
800 meter row
5 muscle ups
15 push press @ 75 lbs

time: 19:10

1 hour hot yoga class

11 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana, strawberries, almonds
protein shake

Lunch 11:15am
chicken, egg, veggie salad

Snack 3:00pm

Dinner 5:00pm
turkey mince, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli
protein shake

Dinner 8:00pm
egg, salmon, asparagus
fruit 1 tbsp almond butter

sleepy time tea

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

11 days to marathon: training log part 1, 2 & 3

5 rounds 2 minutes rest in between sets

50 double unders
15 ring dips with band
7 power cleans

16:10 time
20 ghd sit ups

Part 2: Hot hath a flow yoga

Part 3: 20 minutes on cross trainer

12 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana and strawberries
protein shake

Snack 9:00am
coffee and carrots

Lunch 11:00am
tuna, veggie salad with boiled egg

Dinner 4:00pm
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower

Snack 7:00pm
protein shake

Second dinner 9:00pm
egg, asparagus, turkey mince
1/2 banana, strawberries 1 tbsp almond butter

sleepy time tea

Monday, April 23, 2012

12 days to marathon: training log

5 x 3 back squats @ 95 pounds

20 minute cindy workout

5 pull ups
10 press ups
15 air squats

completed: 21 rounds

Hot Yoga Class 12-1pm

13 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana, strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

snack 9:00am
turkey mince and cabbage

lunch 11:00am
chicken, carrots, cabbage, and broccoli

Dinner 4:00pm
chicken, salmon, asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower

Dinner 9:00pm
salmon, boiled egg, asparagus, 1/2 banana and strawberries
1 tbsp almond butter
protein shake
sleepy time tea

Sunday, April 22, 2012

13 days to marathon: training Log part 1 & 2

total cardio 60 minutes

15 minutes bike
5 minutes rower

x 3 rounds

sledge hammer tire
focus pad work

training part 2:
1 hour hot yoga class

14 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana and strawberries
protein shake

Snack 10:30am
coffee and carrots

Lunch 11:30am
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower

Dinner 4:00pm
chicken, ham, egg, carrots

Snack 5:30pm
lara bar & protein shake

Dinner 9:00pm
salmon, veggies, boiled egg, 1/2 banana and strawberries with 1 tbsp almond butter
sleepy time tea

14 days to marathon: Training Log

Day off

1 hour yoga class

2 hours of students teaching yoga & participating

Saturday, April 21, 2012

15 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with 1/2 banana, phytoberry and strawberries
protein shake

Snack 9:30am
carrots and coffee

Lunch 11:00am
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower
1 tbsp almond butter with 1/2 banana and strawberries

Snack 2:00p,
coffee and lara bar

Snack 5:00pm
protein shake

Dinner 8:30pm
chicken thai curry
fruit with almond butter and almond milk
green tea

15 days to marathon: Training Log Part 1 & 2 & 3

10 sets of 10 resting 60 seconds in between

10 thrusters @ 65 pounds
10 chest to bar with band

Time: 19:03

1 hour Hot Yoga Class

3 x 1 hang power cleans @ 95pounds

3 x ring push ups AMRAP resting 3 minutes in between
12, 9, 7

GHD sit ups 40
L sit hold 3 x 45 seconds
50 sit ups

Friday, April 20, 2012

16 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porrridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana, strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:15am
mince turkey, cabbage, 1/2 sweet potato, cauliflower

Snack 2:00pm
mince turkey, cabbage

Dinner 4:00pm
mince chicken, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower
protein shake

Dinner 9:00pm
chicken, egg, cabbage, green beans
1 tbsp almond butter with 1/2 banana
sleepy time tea

16 days to marathon: Training Log

Day off from training

Pilates class 1 hour

Spin Class 1 hour

Thursday, April 19, 2012

thursday at home workout

good morning!
all you fit bunnies ready to work hard??
warm up as per usual 10-15 minutes

1 minute skipping
20 second rest
1 minute air squats
20 second rest
1 minute press ups
2 minutes rest

Repeat 3 times.

Train hard, have fun, look great
LOVE ~ Fit bunny trainer

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

17 days to marathon: Food log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana, strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:30am
salmon, broccoli, cauliflower
1/2 banana, strawberries with 1 tbsp almond butter

Snack 2:00pm

dinner 6:00pm
chicken, cabbage, broccoli, peas

Dinner 9:30pm
chicken, cabbage, boiled egg 1/2 banana & strawberries
1 tbsp almond butter
sleepy time tea

17 days to marathon: training part 2

3 x 5 hand power cleans at 75lbs

3 x 30 rings toes to bar

5 rounds 1 minute wall balls
resting 2 minutes between each round

31, 19, 28, 28, 28

17 days to marathon: Training log part 1

3 x 1 bench press @ 105pds

5 rounds: on the top of every minute 3 minutes
400 meter row
max OH squats (10-13 each set)

3 x 10 toes to rings

18 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry, 1/2 banana and blackberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:00am
ham, egg, boc choi and veggie salad

Snack 2:00pm
turkey mince, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter

Dinner 5:00pm
salmon, broccoli, 1/2 sweet potato

Snack 9:00pm
egg, slamon, broccoli

Bed time 10:30pm
protein shake
green tea
1 tbsp almond butter

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

18 days to marathon: training log

day off from training... so this is what i decided to do

1 hour hatha flow yoga class

1 hour hot pilates class

Monday, April 16, 2012

19 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with 1/2 banana and strawberries and phytoberry
protein shake

snack 9:30am
coffee and carrots

lunch 11:30am
chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, broccoli and asparagus
1/2 banana with almond butter

Dinner 4:00pm
chicken mince, boc choi, mushrooms, broccoli

Snack 7:00pm
egg, salmon, broccoli, carrots

Snack 8:30pm
1tbsp almond butter with cranberries
protein shake
sleepy time tea

19 days to marathon: training log

7 rounds:
10 reps of push press @ 65lbs
30 air squats
time: 10:32

10 x 30 seconds on rower for meters
resting 1 minute in between each round

Toes to Ring 3 x 10

20 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2banana, fruit and almonds
protein shake

Snack 10:30am

Lunch 12:30pm
salmon, egg, veggie salad

Dinner 5:00pm
salmon, 1/2 sweet potatoe, cabbage and broccoli

2nd Dinner 9:00pm
salmon, egg, cabbage and 1/2 banana with almond butter
sleepy time tea

Sunday, April 15, 2012

20 days to marathon: Training log PART 2

1 Hour Hot Hatha Flow Yoga Class

20 days to marathon: Training log PART 1

20 minute AMRAP
12 handstand push ups with band
20 SDHP (sumo deadlift high pull) @ 45pds
20 knees to elbows

Completed 9 rounds plus 8 crappy handstand push ups!!

rest 10 minutes

8 x 100m row
rest 1 minute in between

body transformation: 28 days to go to marthon

21 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with 1/2 banana and strawberries phytoberry, almonds
protein shake

Snack 10:00am
carrots and coffee

Lunch 12:30pm
salmon, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries 1/2 banana

Dinner 4:00pm
boc choi, ham, egg, and mix veggies

Dinner 7:00pm
fruit with almond butter and almond milk
green tea

Night out with the team.. water it was!

21 days to marathon: Training Log

Day off!!

yoga training

Saturday, April 14, 2012

22 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with 1/2 banana and blackberries, almonds & phytoberry
protein shake

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, cabbage. broccoli and asparagus
1 tbsp almond butter with 1/2 banana

snack 3:00pm
chicken, cabbage & carrots

Dinner 8:00pm
thai green chicken curry
fruit and almond milk with 1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

Friday, April 13, 2012

22 days to marathon: training Log

3 x 3 back squat @ 85lbs

5 rounds 7 reps @ 65lbs
hang power cleans
push press
front squat

3 x 15 GHD sit ups
3 x 10 hanging toes to bar
3 x 15 Plank knee drives off rings

23 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast 7:00am
porridge with 1/2 banana almonds, cranberries with phytoberry
protein shake

Lunch 11:30am
chicken, cabbage, broccoli, egg, asparagus
fruit and 1 tbsp almond butter

Dinner 5:00pm
salmon, sabbage, broccoli

Dinner 8:00pm
chicken, egg, cauliflower, carrots

Snack 9:30pm
protein shake
1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

23 days to marathon: training part 2 & 3

5 km run.
3000meters on the rower

Spin Class

Thursday, April 12, 2012

23 days to marathon: Training part 1

1 hour mat work pilates class

24 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana almonds and cranberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:00am
chicken mince, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower
1 tbsp almond butter

Meal 2 2:30pm
chicken turkey mince, cabbage and broccoli

Meal 5:00pm

Dinner 8:30pm
ham, salmon, egg, brussel sprouts
grapes 1/2 banana with almond butter
sleepy time tea

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

24 days to marathon: training log

warm up: 3 mintues skipping, 30 air squats, 20 back extension, 10 press ups

3 x 1 dead lifts
resting 3 mintues in between sets

10 rounds of 30 sec on rower for calories
resting 1:30 seconds in between sets

1. 15 cal
2. 14 cal
3. 14 cal
4. 15 cal
5. 15 cal
6. 14 cal
7. 14 cal
8. 15 cal
9. 14 cal
10. 15 cal

25 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana and strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Snack 10:15am carrots

Lunch 12:00pm
salmon, boiled egg, cabbage and broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter

Snack 2:00pm
almonds, and pumpkin seeds

Dinner 5:00pm
tuna and broccoli and cauliflower
protein shake

Dinner 9:30pm
salmon, egg, broccoli, 1/2 banana with almond butter
green tea

25 days to marathon: training log PART 3

row 60 seconds rest 60 seconds
row 60 seconds rest 50 seconds
row 60 seconds rest 40 seconds
...................... all the way to rowing 60 seconds and resting 10 seconds
then working way back to 60 seconds rowing and 60 seconds rest

Total meters covered: 3988 meters

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

25 days to marathon: training log PART 1 & 2

shoulder press @ 75lbs
3, 3, 1, 1, 1 resting 1:20 seconds in between

5 rounds for time, resting 3 minutes in between each round

20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 air squats

Round 1: 3:32
Round 2: 3:57
Round 3: 4:02
Round 4: 4:10
Round 5: 4:04

Pilates Class 1 hour

26 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and half banana & strawberries, almonds and cranberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, sweet potato, broccoli and cabbage

Snack 2:00pm
coffee, carrots and salmon

Dinner 5:00pm
chicken, boiled egg, raw coleslaw salad

Dinner 8:30pm
salmon, roasted veggies, grapes with 1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

26 days to marathon: training log PART 3

30 minutes cardio on arc trainer

ab ripper x routine

26 days to marathon: training log PART 1 & 2

4 rounds
65 pd hang snatch
5 muscle ups
250 meter row

30 minutes on the bike

Monday, April 9, 2012

26 days to marathon: Food Log

Breakfast 7:30am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana and strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Snack 11:00am
lara bar

Lunch 12:30pm
chicken, egg, boc choi, carrots and cabbage

Dinner 6:00pm
salmon, roasted veggies, carrot and cabbage slaw
fruit cup with almond butter and almond milk
green tea

26 days to marathon: training log


Sunday, April 8, 2012

27 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast 7:30am
porridge with phytoberry and half banana/strawberries
protein shake

carrots, salmon

Lunch 11:00am
egg, chicken, cabbage, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter

Snack 1:30pm
protein shake
carrots & almonds

Dinner 6:00pm
thai chicken curry with cauliflower rice
1/2 banana, strawberries, grapes with almond milk and almond butter

Green tea 10:30pm

Saturday, April 7, 2012

27 days to marathon: TRAINING PART 3

HOT hatha flow Yoga class
1 hour
Holistic body works... KILLER!!! THANKS!

27 days to marathon: TRAINING PART 1 & 2

7 rounds
2:30 seconds on clock
run 400 meters
AMRAP pull ups (18, 15, 14, 13, 13, 12, 10)
rest 60 seconds after each round

4 x 10 ghd sit ups

10 x 200m rower
rest 1:15 seconds in between each round

Finish: 100 double unders

28 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry 1/2 banana and strawberries
protein shake

Snack 10:30am
salmon, cabbage

Lunch 11:30am
salmon, boc choi, 1/2 sweet potato, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries

Snack 2:00
coffee at starbucks

Dinner 4:00pm
turkey mince, egg, cabbage and boc choi with carrots

Dinner 8:30pm
chicken thai curry without the coconut milk

Friday, April 6, 2012

28 days to marathon: Training Part 2

Since i was full of energy, i decided to do another WOD at home for fun... this is what it was:

200 air squats
100 sit ups
50 burpees
25 press ups

I forgot to time myself... so i will re-do it tommorow!!

28 days to marathon: training log PART 1

5 rounds
30 seconds bench press @ 75lbs
30 second rest
45 second Kettle Ball Swings 1/2 pood
15 second rest

10 x 200 meters on rower
1:30 second break in between

Thursday, April 5, 2012

29 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and half banana/ strawberries
protein shake

Snack 10:30am

Lunch 12:00pm
salmon, cabbage, 1/2 sweet potato, boiled egg
strawberries with almond butter

Dinner 4:30pm
turkey mince, boc choi, mushrooms and broccoli

Dinner 8:30pm
salmon, boiled egg, broccoli
strawberry & half banana with almond butter
green tea

29 days to marathon: training part 3

30 minute yoga stretch

Spin class 1 hour

29 days to marathon: training log PART 1 & 2

Pilates foundations: matwork 1 hour

4 rounds 5 minutes: resting 3 minutes in between sets

5:00 minutes all out on bike
rest 3 minutes
5:00 on rower 1352 meters
rest 3 minutes
5:00 minutes all out on bike
rest 3 minutes
5:00 on rower 1409 meter

30 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana / strawberries
protein shake

Lunch 11:00am
turkey mince, cabbage, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberry

Dinner 4:00pm
salmon, boc choi, mushroom and cauliflower
pumpkin seeds

Dinner 8:30pm
salmon, boiled egg, cabbage
1 tbsp almond butter 1/2 banana and strawberries
green tea

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

30 days to marathon: training log

warm up 100 double unders, 50 air squats, 25 lunges

3 rounds for time
10 power cleans @ 75lbs
15 GHD sit ups
20 ring dips (used band)

Time: 11:02

3 x 8 toes to bar hangs

31 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana/ strawberries
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, cabbage, broccoli
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries

Dinner 4:00pm
turkey mince, boc choi, broccoli and mushrooms

Dinner 8:00pm
salmon, boiled egg, cabbage, 1/2 banana 1 tbsp almond butter
green tea

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

31 days to marathon: training log PART 2

1 hour

31 days to marathon: training log

3 x 3 back squats @ 125lbs
resting 3 minutes in between sets

4 rounds for time:
50 UNBROKEN double unders
30 UNBROKEN wall balls @ 14lbs

failed at 30 wall balls last set.. booo

Time: 9:02

Resting 15 minutes....
5 rounds of 800 meters on the rower:
hit the meters: between 3:04 and 3:10 each time

resting 2:30 in between sets
(this was in place of running 5 x 800m because of my foot)

32 days to marathon: food log

breakfast: 7:30am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana
protein shake
coffee x 2

Lunch 11:00am
chicken, 1/2 sweet potato, broccoli, and cabbage
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberry

Dinner 4:00pm
chicken, egg, cabbage and carrots

Snack 6:00pm
1/2 lara bar

Snack 9:30pm
salmon, egg, asparagus
1 tbsp almond butter with 1/2 banana and strawberries
green tea

Monday, April 2, 2012

32 days to marathon: training log

Injured with a busted foot, but got through todays WOD

20 minute AMRAP
3 pull ups
5 hand stand push ups assisted
7 calorie row

11 rounds completed & into 12 round completed 2 hand stand pushups

33 days to marathon: food log

breakfast 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and 1/2 banana
protein shake

Snack 9:00am
salmon and cabbage

Lunch 11:00am
salmon, cabbage, broccoli 1/2 sweet potato
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries

Dinner 4:00pm
chicken and vegetable stirfry

Snack 7:30pm
egg, salmon and broccoli
protein shake
green tea

Sunday, April 1, 2012

33 days to marathon: Part 3 training log

1 hour Hot Pilates Class
hardest class yet!!

33 days to marathon: training log part 2

Tabata workout:

20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 8 rounds
resting 1 minute before next exercise

treadmill at 12km
air squats
press ups
sit ups

33 days to marathon: training log PART 1

Training session 1 today:

3 x 3 deadlifts @ 140pds
resting 4 minutes in between each set

4 rounds for time:
7 front squats @ 75pds
200 meter row
21 pull ups (assisted with band)

resting 2 minutes in between each rounds

Time: 15:02

34 days to marathon: food log

Breakfast: 7:00am
porridge with phytoberry and banana
protein shake

Lunch 11:00am
cabbage, broccoli, salmon & veal
1 tbsp almond butter with strawberries

Snack 2:00pm
coffee and carrots / celery

Dinner 6:00pm
salmon, egg, mix veggies

Snack 9:00pm
salmon, egg, cabbage
1 tbsp almond butter & 1/2 banana
green tea